The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The boy who appointed another white guy

August said it better than I can about Bush's nominee to SCOTUS:

So after three straight weeks of discussion about the relevance of the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice, and O'Conner's statement on the need for women in the Court, and the issues over whether Democrats will filibuster a minority or not... Bush has made the daring, revolutionary decision to nominate... some white guy.

Alrighty, then.

In a vain attempt to take the heat off of Rove and his double super-secret background, Bush even has a lame-ass press conference to announce what we already knew.

Maybe I'll just watch these Makai Kingdom trailers some more instead. Nippon Ichi's games are all of a type, but I really like that type. Strange characters involved in a weird world where the tiniest item holds a world of its own. Now it looks like they've taken the same formula that made Disgaea and Phantom Brave so much fun, and turned it up to... well, they were at 11 before. So this goes up to 12.

That's two more.

If you look carefully at the trailer, there's a penguin wielding a balloon. Tell me that isn't a fearsome weapon. Next week!