The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Push the button

I have mostly given up on The Simpsons, but now and again they manage to come up with something that makes me laugh.

Crooks and Liars has this clip of Lisa and the global warming simulator that reminds me of my young days playing with the Coralville Reservoir Dam simulation. Do they even make dioramas anymore? They must, as the last time I was in Vegas, they had an elaborate mockup of what the pool at the Golden Nugget will eventually look like.

Somewhere, somebody has a job of making models of small buildings. I am probably in the wrong industry.

It's a new year and hopefully I will be resuming a regular broadcast schedule. I read a report a while ago that theorized this is the year blogs start slowing down. After all, most of the people who would want to blog have done so already, and new blogs are abandoned soon after creation.

There are also several long-time blogs that have ceased publication. Billmon hung 'em up recently. I still miss Counterspin, and that's been silent for two years now.