The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Analog line only

Last night was a Tuesday night, which is when the Giant Fighting Robot likes to increase his alcohol intake with friends. It was a pretty good night--I revisited the fine world of variables like MonkeyTouch and why you should name directories ZipBiggly. There was also a fine discussion of video games, movies, and the like. Plus more about Jerry Garcia ties. (Fun fact: Walter Cronkite is a big fan of the Dead.)

I also got some of the Stumptown election news while paying my tab. Francesconi and Potter got 37 and 42% of the vote, respectively. Which is amazing once you figure that the former spent almost a million dollars so far and Potter's stealth campaign (with no donation over $25 accepted) spent maybe $75K. So why is that?

Francesconi represents more of current politics-as-usual. Everything you hated about the Katz administration is doubly so under him. Potter looks like a throwback to the days of Bud Clark, which would not be a bad thing.

I'm sad that Busse and Posey didn't break 10%, though together they did. No word on what Jim Spagg got. Happy doodles, dude.

In other news, um, GameFly delivered the GameCube remix of Metal Gear Solid yesterday, so we'll see what the Silicon Knights upgrade looks like.

But can anything break my bolt addiction in Ratchet and Clank 2? MUST HAVE MORE BOLTS.