The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Kingdom of Loathing

Binder pointed me to the Kingdom of Loathing. It's a little like Button Men, a little like Progress Quest, with a tiny bit of Munchkin thrown in.

I adore it. My current character is a Disco Bandit. How can you not like something that gives you messages like:
You're fighting a Knob Goblin Barbecue Team

This is a deadly combination of a neophyte Knob Goblin Chef and a magically animated barbecue grill.

Sometimes these things are friendly, but this one appears to be pretty aggressive.

You hit for 4 damage. BOOF! BIFF!

You win the fight!

You gain 9 Meat.
You acquire an item: bowl of cottage cheese
You gain 2 Smarm.

Here I've run through all of my turns for the day and I want more.

In other news, we were at a party this evening in a cute little house in St. John's. The neighbors made me realize that my own neighbors could be worse. The ones behind the house with the party were screaming at each other constantly. Me, I would be calling the cops every day.

We live in a society, people. A pity it's not one where you can study to be a Pastamancer in college.