The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Did I leave the gas on?

Watched the Eddie Izzard Dress to Kill DVD before going to bed. It's still funnier than hell on the umpteenth viewing.

Feel a bit groggy today, so I have no idea what to make of the news that they're withdrawing troops from Europe to move elsewhere. I suspect, however, that it will not be what it seems. An attack on Iran with even less forces than Iraq, I suspect. Which is a fucking disaster waiting to happen. The Rumsfeld plan of war-on-the-cheap doesn't work. It didn't work last time. It won't work in the future. It's a bad idea by bad people and the sickening thing is our soldiers have to lose life and limb to prove it.

Kerry was well-received in Portland. Not only did he draw like 50-60 thousand people, he got a ton of coverage from the usually-insane Oregonian. The Saturday edition (didn't have a chance to look at the Sunday edition) had a bunch of pages devoted to pictures. Pity the wind died down so he couldn't do any windsurfing, but people here like him.

I have yet to watch a single moment of the Olympics so far. If it's not on the ice with a puck involved, I really don't give a shit. OK, I'd like to see the soccer, but good luck getting that on NBC. Not enough human interest bullshit. If only we got the Canadian coverage. That might be worth watching.