The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Against All Enemies

After reading three Jasper Fforde novels in a row, I thought it was time to take a break from Thursday Next and her adventures. So now I'm reading Against All Enemies by Richard Clarke. It's a fascinating read, though quite aggravating. He recounts the events of September 11 in detail, including Bush asking him that day to make sure that Iraq was behind it. Later, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Powell get into the act, leading him to say:
"I thought I was missing something here," I vented. "Having been attacked by al Qaeda, for us now to go bombing Iraq in response would be like our invading Mexico after the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor."

Clarke, R. Against All Enemies. pp 30-31. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004.

Worth reading, particularly now that the paperback edition has a new forward and supporting materials from the 9/11 Commission. (Speaking of the Commission, I see that Condi is again saying that Iraq was trying to build nuclear weapons. Even though this has been shown to be a colossal lie. Why does this woman have a job? Why has nobody been fired from this administration?)

Continually watching the VolcanoCam, though right now it looks like just a cloud and not an eruption.

Two ads worth watching, one from the New Dems and one from the DCCC. A little long for our attention-deficit culture, but they could be shortened with little problem.