The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

No plot, no problem

Not only is the election coming, but it will be my third year for NaNoWriMo. I've done it twice before, writing 50,000 words in 30 days or so. Well, the first one comes out to 63K, but the last 13,000 were the hardest. The second one was just over 50K and could be polished into something decent with a bit of work.

The NaNo website's been totally redone, which is cool. They've modified their phpBB so that you only see the regions you choose to belong to. Which is good, since it saves you time scrolling through all of the state and local boards you don't have time to read. And there are four choices of icons this year, which is good since I hated the one choice last year. Well, hated is a strong word. Disliked. A lot.

I haven't really thought a lot about what I'll be writing about this year. Part of this is historical, as the first time I did it, I didn't decide I was going to do it until October 30. So planning too much feels like jinxing it. On the other hand, plotting ahead is good, as you don't feel as much like you're making it up as you're going along. Still, I've read published novels that are worse in that regard, so I suppose it's on a huge problem.

So if you've nothing to do, or lots to do, I highly recommend it. Even if you don't finish, it's a fun adventure. Or you could just play X-Men: Legends. That would be OK, too.

Hrm. It's almost one in the morning. Perhaps I should try getting some sleep.