The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Sunday night blahs

How sad are we as a species when the best that can be said about an election is that not as many peopled died during it as previously predicted? I guess I missed the thousands of people springing to life now that maybe 40% of the population didn't get turned into hamburger while filling out a Scan-Tron form? HOORAY! Hooray for Captain Spalding! Talk about moving the goalposts--we are witnessing true masters in action.

Spent a quiet day reading a ton of Achewood and laughing at the adventures of Ray, Philippe, Liar-Bot, Todd, and the gang. (I really laughed at Todd's van. A lot.) One thing that confuses me a bit--you can get all of Achewood in book form, all of Goats on book form, but just the one wee Penny Arcade book? And it's out of print. You'd think a couple of guys who can sell out lithographs at $500/pop two days would have their work in print. Perhaps their thought is with it being online, people wouldn't pay for it, but that seems just silly. I am online a lot, but not all the time.

Cartoon Network is playing with people's minds--they've announced a Venture Brothers DVD, but they're still jerking people around as to whether they're going to order another season. I just do not get that reasoning at all. A show that makes Tom of Finland AND Easy Rider references is OK by me.