The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Fun with math

This comment on Pandagon make me smile:
War Funding Crisis!

Crap. We've run out of money. Bush asks for $80 bn for Iraq, Afghanistan. The Terror War is costing us more this year than it will gernerate in oil revenues, donor contributions, opium smuggling, and taxes! We've run the Iraq War Trust Fund dry - how will we ever pay for it all?

Maybe we need to create Private Personal Combat Accounts. Every soldier's family can set aside a three of four (dozen) percent of their income, and invest it tax free. The proceeds can then be used to purchase body armor, tanks, med-evacs, water, or whatever it is they need.

This makes as much sense as not including the cost of your war in the long-term budget forecast, then claiming that Social Security is going broke because someday, some time, we might not be able to pay for it. 40 years down the line. When right now, we have a trillion dollar deficit.

There is no crisis. They continue to redefine chutzpah. "We bankrupted the country, then cut programs because we couldn't pay for them!"