The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, January 17, 2005

I had this weird dream

Digby remembers a Clinton speech about MLK that is quite interesting. Martin Luther King's dream about the content of their character--we've still got a ways to go. My dream last night involved a group of terrorists kidnapping a horse and a meter for madness on the wall of a plane. Danger level was when everybody was screaming. What this has to do with racial equality? Probably nothing.

I've been quiet in reporting as of late as we had deathstorm and a visit from Kevin. Much beer was consumed, not much bourbon. I also had a flat tire yesterday, so I had to load the TireChange subroutine. I wil mention that while dining at the Doug Fir, I learned the glory that is Tabasco Smoked Chipotle sauce.

There are still two more days in the America (The Book) contest! How will you deal? How can I? Send your answer to giantfightingbot -at- Thanks! Winners will be announced Coronation Day.