The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

I think he signed it "Joshua Woodwright."

Fafblog! places the upcoming holiday into its proper religious context. What, and you thought it was about taxation on tea and self-evident truths?

Readers of Grant Morrison's work will be familiar with the theory that life as we know it ends in 2012, based on the work of Terrance McKenna and Philip K. Dick. There's also Vernor Vinge's work on the Singularity—where everything breaks down (he's written a bit about it and the last short story of his that I read is all about a post-Singularity life).

I have further proof of this, in that our kickball team, Piehorse, won its first game tonight. And not only were we victorious on the field of battle, the Cheaters won.

So what, you say? The Cheaters never win. This is the first game they've won in four years of play.

Clearly the wheels of the universe are turning. Their destination? None can say.