The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Around here we call him "the miracle worker"

It's somewhat fitting that James Doohan beamed up to that big transporter room in the sky today, given that it's also the anniversary of Apollo 11. Memorializing space on two counts today. Doohan was a class act, both personally and professionally—I'll always be mad at Paramount for cutting some of his memorable characterization from Star Trek II.

I think of him whenever I sit down at a computer. Keyboard. How quaint.

Google's celebrating Moon Day with Google Moon, an adaptation of their mapping software for our celestial neighbor. It maps all of the Apollo landings, and while incomplete is still quite interesting. (I really wish they showed some of the other impact sites, like Clementine or the Russian probes, but that's for a later incarnation.)

I think I've got some scotch lying around the house, and then in tribute, I'll catch up on me technical journals.