The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Making biscuits

The Lipstick Librarian pointed me to the glory that is Cat News. It reminds me a little bit of Cat Town, only with more swearing and a distinct lack of catnip bus action.

Smiley Muffin will be back, according to Cat News's creator, Julie Klausner. (I really need to find a copy of Animal Party now—I'm reminded a bit of Sylvia and Dork, if they had a kid, if that makes sense.w)

Channel 102 is not to be confused with Channel 101, which had a cease-and-desist letter from Mr. Puddin' Pops himself, Bill Cosby. Evidently Bill was not fond of House of Cosbys. Which is sad, since it has some good moments. I want my own Data Analysis Cosby.