The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

A whole different level

Watching the tail end of the Davenport-Williams final at Wimbledon. When I was a kid, I wondered what you had to do to be a ball boy there, since I always liked how they ran out after an errant shot by Connors or McEnroe.

If course, there are probably downsides. "See this bruise? 103 mph serve, volleyed right into my head."

Your genius cover for this holiday weekend:
Bicentennial Battles!

Captain America meets this guy, see... And then it gets weirder from there.

Update: Dial B for Blog has the back cover!

Also, removing some crap since it violates the "be funny, not angry" example set by John rogers...

I'm off for a weekend of kickball, beer, and being with friends. Probably pretty quiet over in this neck of the woods for a while.