The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Spiritual successor

I've blathered about it before, but I'll do so again.

Back in the day I was quite fond of Total Annihilation. Gas-Powered Games (led by Chris Taylor, designer of TA and Dungeon Siege) announced a successor a while back, under a different name as Atari still owns the the rights to TA.

E3, land of candy and sunshine, has some footage from Supreme Commander:

Um, wow.

I know that demos at trade shows are never quite how it will be in the end, but that's still pretty impressive.

Haven't watched last night's episode of Lost yet, but I did get a pointer to, a Hanso Foundation site. If you click on things the right way, you'll get directed elsewhere, and if you poke around, you can find a PDF with a phone number on it.

Not sure I'll call it or not, though. The NSA is watching.