The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Wayback Machine

For some reason, I decided to start playing StarCraft again this weekend. (Mebbe it was the Blizzard April Fool's Day prank about playing Wisps in the World of WarCraft expansion...)

Oddly enough, the install discs constructed in 1997 or so didn't do very well when I tried using them on OS X. Thankfully Blizzard had forseen my problem and invented a Mac OS X installer, thus saving me from having to boot into Classic just to play a game. (I still do that with Total Annihilation, though.)

Anyway, the game has held up pretty well. I find that missions that I once found impossible are not too bad, and I have this disturbing tendency (born of many LAN games, no doubt) to have "kill everything that isn't you" as the only victory condition in my mind. So while I could have rescued General Duke in like fifteen minutes, I instead built enough Goliaths to wipe out every Zerg on the map.

More as it develops, if you're interested in that kind of thing. Or even if you're not.

In other news, Daylight Savings Time is upon us. Remind me why we do this again?