The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I'm all out of B

Metafilter has some fascinating maps about religious beliefs in America today. That explains why Good Friday was so quiet at work, though. Everybody in non-heathen Stumptown evidently had the day off.


Tom Cruise and his receptacle Katie Holmes have spawned!

How have I lived without knowing the origins of the name Suri before this? (As Olbermann put it on Countdown this evening, "If you picked 'Suri' in our pool, you are the winner.")

There was a thing on The Daily Show the other day about how most of the President's sentences follow the following construction:
We are here to A B. We are B A'ers.

Given his weak-ass defense of Rumsfeld today, there was a silent thing today. "I am the [thing] decider. And I decide what [thing] is best."

Nah, it still sounds pretty weak.

Most incompetent unpopular President ever. Hoover should rest peacefully knowing his position as worst ever is now firmly in second place.