The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

To hell with work, this is SCIENCE

One of my favorite early sketches from Late Nite with David Letterman involved Paul wandering around the NBC studio, wondering where Dave had gone to.

Then he wanders near Letterman's dressing room, and pops out with his hair full of shampoo lather.

"Dave, what about the show?" asks Paul.
Dave replies, "The right side is tingling. IT IS TINGLING!"
"But Dave, the show?"
"To hell with the show, this is SCIENCE!" shouts Letterman, and closes the door.

I'm having a similar moment today, as scientists have evidently made breakthroughs in teleportation while I was sleeping...

The mind boggles at the implications for quantum computing. Deep Thought is maybe not far off anymore...