Burning an album I bought the other day (BT's Movement in Still Life, if you're curious) and finishing up listening to the latest
podcast about the last Battlestar Galactica episode.
These podcasts are interesting in that they're a half-glimpsed vision of what goes into the making of a show. Sure, there are narrative reasons why X and Y happen, but there are also financial reasons. You save money by making a bottle show because you blew your budget on episode 3. That sort of thing.
I do wish that the producer of the show would spend some money on a better microphone, as the last couple of podcasts are excruciating to listen to. The one for last episode had a high-pitched beep every couple of seconds that was maddening. (Sorely tempted to find a copy of Pro Tools or the like to even it out. I used to this kind of thing back in the day with Sound Edit 16; don't tell me the Sci-Fi Channel is too poor to spend an hour on post-production.)
Had a friend over the other night and I realized just how out-of-sorts my comic book collection is lately. I've been accruing them, but not doing much with them in terms of storage. She borrowed a bunch of trades so it's a little bit easier, but I can see that my weekend is going to be spent taking a look at sorting.