The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

why are paints named after foods?

Originally uploaded by GiantFightingBot.

While painting the house we've looked at a lot of paint samples. I can understand the need to be appealing in a color names, and you have to do something to differentiate between 30 shades of white. On the other hand, do paint manufacturers have to name every single shade after food? Paprika. Cocoa. Shiitake.

Perhaps instead of looking at colors I should have figured out which items would have made the best meal, and picked those colors for the walls.

I'm beginning to think that I need more storage. My attempt to catalog everything in the house with Delicious Library sorta fell by the wayside when I lost access to a scanner gun. I suppose I could get another one or switch to LibraryThing, but you know, effort.

The early transition to Daylight Savings Time is hitting me pretty hard this week. Of course it probably doesn't help that I'm going to bed at the "usual" time, just getting up an hour earlier. But hey, the internet doesn't click on itself.