The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Happy Moon Landing Anniversary

As I noted yesterday, 35 years ago we landed on the Moon, went a couple times more, and then... stopped.

Today, in the style of leadership that we have become accustomed to by Fearless Leaders Bush and Delay, House panel voted to slash NASA funding. All to pay for our war in Iraq, in which US casualties have passed the 900 mark. (That we're counting. Over a thousand dead if you add in coalition forces, and who knows how many if you include the people we are supposed to be liberating.

In other news, I have some sort of back malfunction after no sleep last night. Add to that the melancholy of what-could-have been (though I am getting better at that) and I'm thinking it's about time to go home.

Wait. I have a meeting in about 13 minutes. Nevermind.

Hrm. Think about other things.
Peasants Quest?