The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


(Kevin will know what that means. I am a little surprised that Khan wasn't smart enough to change a mere 5-digit code, though.)

Watching the Star Trek II DVD we bought in SF at Rasputin Music on Sunday. Thinking a bit about an old friend who used to quote this movie with me. From what I hear he's still in Iowa, but none of us have heard from him in eight years. Dropped off the map, alas.

This edition has a bunch of scenes that were cut from the original release. There's a lot more stuff with Midshipman Peter Preston (Scotty's nephew--he's sort of the Biggs Darklighter of this film--a guy who dies with much fanfare that's unexplained since certain scenes were cut) and a laugh-out-loud bit with Spock that I really wish had been in the original.

Working on a trip report but I must do laundry and stuff. Perhaps tomorrow.