The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Atrios predicts!

He was pretty spot-on last week, so here's his prediction for tomorrow:
But, here's the deal. Coming into debate 2, Bush hasn't got anything. He can't hide behind his "compassionate conservatism face" which he used in 2000 - that was tossed in the garbage. He can't hide behind "war president face" because last week we all saw what a joke that is. All he's got left is the real face - sulky fratboy/petulant child.

I think he's on to something. Bush tricked a couple of networks into carrying his "important policy speech" and all it turned out to be was his standard stump speech in front of a hand-picked crowd. Not the way to prepare for a possibly-hostile town hall crowd. On the other hand, as the Poor Man points out, Bush is the master of hard work.

Work has been busy as fuck this week. I've been editing a ton of GeekLog scripts to make a site that people will probably end up ignoring. But hey, I've learned a lot.

Currently reading 1602 in addition to the Richard Clarke book. Preparing for my weekend of canvassing people and registering new voters in the last drive before the deadline of 10/12. Are you registered?

Expect to see more acts of desperation from the Bush campaign. They will say and do anything to get elected.