The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Gary Busey and the weasels

Seen on both Wacky Neighbor and a message from BeaucoupKevin, so it must be fate. What would it be like if George Bush and Gary Busey met? I think... it would go something... like this.

The job numbers came out today, and they were not the 1.6 million jobs Bush required to be at a net gain in jobs in his administration. 90,000 jobs in the last month, pertty damn anemic. Note that we need at least 150,000 jobs/month to keep up with population growth. And they revised last month's jobs down. These numbers are a far cry from the numbers used to justify the tax cut for the wealthy.

As his campaign becomes increasingly desperate and dangerous, look for more shenanigans. They've already announced vague alert warnings for schools. As the poll numbers go down, expect the alert level to go up. (JuliusBlog did a bit about this a few months ago.)