The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Post-debate spin

So far it's another slam-dunk by Kerry.

That makes them three-for-three, or four out of four victories if you include the vice-presidential debates.

The blogs are bringing up something that I forgot in my last post: Every single question, when Bush didn't have an answer, became a question about education. Bush basically said that the cause of unemployment is people being stupid. Therefore the answer is to make schools better.

Yes, of course, Mr. President. The reason so many companies have gone bankrupt, laid off everybody, or outsourced jobs to India is that the US was hit with a massive stupidity bomb during your inauguration.

It would explain a lot, actually. Except how will we overcome our mineshaft gap? No Child Left Behind won't cover it. Plus, it's a colossal failure to boot.

The only program I can think of in the last four years that has worked has been the Enrich Halliburton plan. The environment is a failure. (And note to Bob, you asked two questions about religion but none about the very world we live in? You suck.) The economy is still awful. Iraq is going to be a synonym for clusterfuck in the next OED.

Better start packing your crap, Bushie. You'll be heading back to Texas real soon now.