The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Saturday, October 09, 2004


I live in Oregon, which is more of a battleground state than one might think.

Along with a couple hundred other folks, I spent about half the day walking through neighborhoods, looking for folks who haven't registered yet, trying to convince the undecideds, and making sure that people mail in their ballots as soon as possible. (All of Oregon's voting is vote-by-mail.)

It was a somewhat positive experience. ACT has some great organization--my partner today was from Hillsboro Democrats and kept commenting how much better the Portland ACT effort was.

I interrupted a lot of people watching football, a couple guys talking about motorcycles, one nearly-asleep baby, and a saxophone lesson.

So far most people that I talked to (many folks were just not home today, not surprising on a weekend) were leaning or very much for Kerry, though the two Bush voters were extraordinarily smug about it. I thanked them anyway and moved on.

My feet are tired but I'll be back on the streets tomorrow. Hopefully it won't rain as much.