The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Friday, October 08, 2004

What the fuck was that?

I mean, other than watching the US President melt down on live TV.

Bush was angry, confused, blinking like he was trying to answer in Morse code instead of speaking, and acted mostly as an embarrassment to himself and his party.

Kerry was calm, cool, collected, remembered the names of people asking questions, and addressed the issues directly. Bush nearly attacked the moderator, for the sake of fucking. He's toast.

When asked to name three mistakes, he didn't even come up with one.

At least Bush might be able to sell some wood on the Internets. (At least until eBay closes the listing.) He can also try, I suppose.

(They spent millions of dollars investigating the Clintons for their land investments, but not even George Bush himself knows he owned a timber company?)