The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Because I can

As seen on Kevin's blog...

1) What's your favorite comic of 2004?
Part of me wants to say Fables, though I don't think it started in 2004. I started reading it then, if that counts. Other than that, I'd say either We3 or Identity Crisis. Holding out to see how that ends, though.

2) What's your favorite comics-related moment or 2004?
I think the leaked trailer for the Fantastic Four movie, or the first images I've seen of the new Batman film. I went from being fairly skeptical about it to a big fan in the space of about half a minute.

Well, that and almost every aspect of Justice League: Unlimited. The whole thing is a fanboy contest, but I love it anyway. Aztek was in the last episode I saw. AZTEK. My favorite comic of... 1996. Or whatever.

3) What's the worst thing to happen in comics in 2004?
I could go the easy route and say the Avengers clusterfuck, but I only read the one issue. The continued existence of shitty X-Men titles. Yet more gimmicky shit. Variant covers, variant art, pursuit of the ever-dwindling direct sales market instead of trades.

4) What's your most fervid hope for comics in 2005?
Keeping the old stuff that's good in print. For example, it's a damn shame that you cannot find Young Heroes in Love in a trade anywhere. You can buy single issues, if you can find them.

5) What aspect of comics in 2005 are you most looking forward to?
The second Love Fights trade. Either that or the collected Escapist. No way I was going to pay that much an issue.

6) What's your worst fear for comics in 2005?
An Authority/Young Avengers/Lara Croft/Spawn crossover. Co-written by Chuck Dixon, Augie DeBlieck, and Michael Turner.

I'll probably do this for video games again later this week. Only not right now, as we're interviewing people at work and I've been so goddamn busy this month.

Plus, World of WarCraft is starting to peck away at my brain. Which race? Which class? What profession? Decisions, decisions.