The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, November 15, 2004

New friends!

I just got spam from Exonerating A. Pointillists!

Just when you think you can't get any better with spam senders, they always surprise me.

Most of the Bush administration cabinet has resigned. I'm not totally sure who's left, other than Cheney. But really, replacing Powell with Condoleeza Rice will just erode whatever credibility we have even faster. Who do you replace her with as security adviser? I know, Joseph Hazelwood, as he's got a great record protecting the oceans of Alaska! Imagine what he could do for the country!

We managed to find a pretty good bed for the upstairs yesterday. They will deliver it next week, just in time for our guests. Spent part of the day playing Ratchet and Clank 3, which gets better the more I play it. The second version of the Agents of Doom features little guns. Not only do they explode, they shoot everything that moves on their way to the target.

Since we don't have broadband, it's hard to find anybody to play multiplayer with. Maybe I should look into DSL. Any suggestions?