The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Morale? What morale?

As if you ever needed confirmation that most managers cannot find their ass with both hands, a map, and a compass, there's this article about IT worker morale turning to shit. Duh.
IT workers also are feeling quite cynical toward top management, which they regard as having its head stuck in the sand on key issues ranging from communication to outsourcing.

"Outsourcing is euphemistically called 'global sourcing,' " says an IT worker at a large insurer. "Memos [about outsourcing] are self-congratulatory about how it will benefit employees, totally ignoring how many fewer domestic employees we have year to year."

He is particularly resentful about layoffs, which his employer officially refers to as "position migrations."

"High-minded phrases and motivational meetings do not conceal the venality and incredible lack of long-term planning that offshoring represents," he says.

Once upon a time (back in the long, national nightmare of peace and prosperity that was the Clinton administration), I argued to no avail that IT workers needed to unionize. "Nonsense," I was told. "I will never need to look for a job and I will always be in demand." I hate it when I'm right about crap like this.

They're claiming we're in control of 70% of Falluja today. For how long? Everyone who we're probably really interested in (the car bomb manufacturers, the leadership of the insurgents, etc.) are out of the city, so we're left losing lives to retake a city we'll have to retake again.