The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Values hangover

Some of the anecdotal evidence of the election is that people voted for Bush based on their perceived values of him, rather than the facts. Bush has now claimed his 3-point victory as a clear mandate to push the further neocon/Pharisee agenda.

But here's the thing: half of us voted for Kerry. We do not follow these deluded beliefs nor do we share this vision for our country that echoes the worst visions of Orwell, Kafka, and Atwood. We are not going away.

Bob Harris has a cheery thought for this morning:
The election of Bush is a very, very bad choice. It is a major setback for humanity, for a long list of reasons each of us either fully understand already or will very soon. (More on this in the next few days. But for starters, America just announced to the entire planet that we're OK with Abu Ghraib, we're OK with Guantanamo, and we're OK with illegal wars. This was an important announcement.)

I am wondering if this is what it felt like it Rome before the Visigoths came over that seventh hill.