The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Crackerjack timing

So now that the election is sinking into the collective subconscious, we're bombing the fuck out of Falluja again. Only this time it's at the orders of our puppet Allawi.

Remember, one of the many reasons people voted against Kerry was he was going to subject us to foreign whims through a global test or the UN or whatever the twisted dumbshit reasoning went. So letting military decisions being made by Allawi OK for these same people?

I was thinking about an episode of The West Wing the other day where CJ and Josh are sent to a cartographer's conference, and what they learn there blows their minds. For example, you might think that W had a huge mandate if you looked at the standard Mercator projection that's been bandied about incessantly for a week.

But look at this page.

Big difference, huh? Heartland values, my hinder. I'm repeating myself, but two percentage points is not a mandate. 54 million people voted against the fucker in office right now. That's not even counting the disenfranchised or the 30% of the population that didn't even bother to vote. It's like the Moral Majority all over again--a very loud minority. They just own all the media.