The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


I've been reading the Ars Technica forums on how to build a decent gaming computer. I also found their review of a program called Delicious Library. I really want the latter--since it looks a little like the project I dreamt up one summer when I had a lot of books to organize and a lot of time on my hands. I was originally planning on building a database of books, but Delicious Library blows that right out of the water.

I heard this story of Rumsfeld taking questions from the troops twice on NPR this morning, and I just get more angry the more I hear it. "You go to war with the army you have," is: 1) dodging the question, 2) an attempt to blame Clinton for the state of the army, and 3) just the kind of thing that should get you fired from your job instead of being retained for another four years.

Saying that took a hell of a lot of cojones from the soldier who asked it, and I have no doubt he will be rewarded for his love of freedom by being placed on the front lines in Falluja. Rumsfeld, meanwhile, will go back to eating caviar and having a machine sign the letters informing families of the war dead.

On a lighter note, revision two:

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