The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, January 10, 2005


Spent a lot of time yesterday playing with the new vacuum cleaner. You know, there's a bit of hype behind this machine, but damn is this thing nice. I think we managed to suck up enough pet hair to create a fleet of cats.

Contest Announcement
Since next week is the second inauguration of El Presidente Busho, I need to find some coping mechanisms for the next four years. And since Mike and Kevin had so much fun with theirs, I am holding a contest of my own! Winner will receive their very own copy of America: The Book.

  • Think of some way to deal with the next four years. It would help if it were less than 200 words.

  • E-mail that very thing to giantfightingbot @ .

  • Entries must be in by midnight PST on January 19 and I will announce it on Inauguration Day.

Contest void where prohibited. Winners will be decided solely by me and Mrs. Giant Fighting Robot. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball. Have fun.