Words and pictures
It's quite around here right now--I'm trying to psyche myself up for a return to work after a week+ off.
If you're like me (and I know I am), you like The Annotated Mantooth. I think the clear successor to it has been found: Sharknife.
"Ceasar Hallelujia is your typical busboy working at a typical restaraunt. Typical, it seems, until a half-cuban/half-japanese gangster by the name of Ombra Ravenga pollutes the walls of said restaraunt with the demon seeds of barbarous beasts! Now, when the monsters get too big for the walls to contain, Ceasar must radically transform into the monster-fighting hero SHARKNIFE to protect the restaraunt, it's patrons, it's food, and most importantly, the cute cute Chieko Momuza!"
Looks like it could be fun.
Peets Coffee is now matching any donation you make to Tsunami relief. And hell, pick up some beans from them while you're at it.
We took a few home ourselves. One of my goals this year is to wean myself off the Starbucks tax every day, even though I like most of the baristas at the shops near me. It just... really adds up over time. (Of course, it will help once the light starts coming back. This dark at 4:30 stuff was old a month ago.)
Oh yeah, and there's a new Gone and Forgotten, which has some Jimmy Olsen in it, but NOT the issue of Amazing Spider-Man where Spidey grows four more arms.
I was thinking of doing a year-end review for comics, gaming, and politics, but I think everyone is as sick of 2004 as I am. Though I often curse time and geography, at least time has the tendency to move forward.