The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Fantastic Three, oh, and Reed Richards

There's a new international trailer for the Fantastic Four film, and it looks a lot better than the one targeted at the States. (A completely different soundtrack, one not so grating, helps a lot.)

The actual characters get a bit more play here. Mr. Fantastic's stretching power still looks kinda useless--he can outsmart a door and grab things before they fall! He's handy to have around the house! Still not sure if it's just that they don't know what to do with him, my association of Mr. Gruffud as Horatio Hornblower, or what, but that part isn't working very well for me.

Haven't been gaming in any aspect in a while--I'm not sure I even remember the last time I fired up the PlayStation 2 or the GameCube. Perhaps it was the onslaught of new games over the winter. All of the studios release about 75% of the games in the last few months of the year. I think the theory is that they'll all sell really well during the Christmas season, but the actual result is that good games get buried under the crush of the two or three titles that will sell really well. The rest are destined for remainder bins, obscurity, cult status on eBay, or all three.

On the other hand, looking at my wish list on Amazon, these things go in cycles. A while back, I was all about video games. Then it was being pissed off at Bush. Then movies. Then being pissed off at Bush again. Actually, it's pretty much a constant to be frustrated and angry at this administration. But the other stuff, that varies.