The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I don't think my liver will like this

The State of the Union drinking game. I probably won't be watching myself, since I have better things than try alcohol poisoning.

The GOP plan for destroying Social Security is leaked, and this may be my favorite page.
Keep the numbers small: Your audience doesn't know how trillions and billions differ. They know these numbers are large, but not how large nor how many billions make a trillion. Boil numbers down to "your family's share." Also avoid percentages; your audience will try to calculate them in their head--no easy task while listening to a speech--and many will do it incorrectly.

Given the Bush deficits, I'm not sure Republicans know how billions and trillions differ, either. (And is it me, or does it sound like they think their audience consists mostly of Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel? "Don't confuse them with facts, tell them platitudes so they can get back to their stories on the TV-box...")

OK, enough crankiness for a while. Making with the funny.

I found the LiveJournal account of Jackson Publick, one of the creators of The Venture Brothers. (Which you really should be watching if you are not. It's the smartest shows on TV today, with the possible exception of Arrested Development.) I'm particularly fond of the list of rejected slogans for the show.

Open the door to Danger and his fat friend Excitement.