The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Mars, bitches!

Remember when Rove and company attempted to jump on the Mars bandwagon, dumping everything else--Hubble, the shuttle, research, etc.--for a manned mission to Mars? No? I guess they don't either.

Kevin gives us the numbers on the speech. Toner Mishap gives you the translation.

If you really must look, there's the actual transcription. By my count:

Number of references to Mars: 0.
Space: 0.
Science: 0.
Fear: 2.
Anger: 0.
Suffering: 1.

(OK, so Yoda was wrong. But cut whatever he was some slack--when 900 years old I reach, know as much, I will not. Were I a better nerd, I'd know what species Yoda was.)

Picking words at random, there are no instances of pants or toast in this transcript, either. Nor dumb, nor chimp. Resign? Nope. DAMN.