The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Oyster

KoL Update:
In the Kingdom of Loathing, the Enchanted Flying Oyster visited in the night. Oyster Eggs can be found in many parts of the Kingdom, once you buy a basket in the market and equip it.

I've had some success in finding eggses--found a guide that helps with locations.

There's an Eddie Izzard routine about chocolate and Easter that may make an appropriate reading for today.
‘Cause Jesus I do think did exist, and he was, I think, a guy who had interesting ideas in the Gandhi-type area, in the Nelson Mandela-type area, you know, relaxed and groovy; and the Romans thought, "Relaxed and groovy?! No, no, no, no, no!" So they murdered him. And kids eat chocolate eggs, because of the color of the chocolate, and the color of the... wood on the cross. Well, you tell me! It's got nothing to do with it, has it? You know, people going, "Remember, kids," the kids who're eating the chocolate eggs,

"Jesus died for your sins."

"Yeah, I know, it's great!”

“No, no no, it's bad, it's bad!”

“ No, it's bad! It's very bad. It's terrible! Whatever you want, just keep giving me these eggs."

Every year around this time, my mom sends me a bunch of marshmallow Peeps. When I was younger, I loved the bunnies, but I appear to have lost my taste for raw sugar as I've aged. I read somewhere that children have more taste buds than adults. As we age, they die off. Which might explain why kids don't like spicy food much, but adore sweets.

I won't turn down chocolate, mind you. And I like a little coffee with my milk and sugar. But I think I've passed the days when I could eat handfuls of candy.

Started this entry almost two hours ago--I've been engrossed by Whale Rider all morning. Why Kiesha Castle-Hughes didn't win Best Actress, I'll never know. And the actor playing her grandfather? He should have at least received a nomination.

(I also note that Ms. Castle-Hughes has a role in the last Star Wars film. Again, now Lucas is asking me to rethink the idea that might need some of my money.)