The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Which color of Kryptonite does this?

One of the recent Spamusement cartoons made me wonder.

(I adore Spamusement. Particularly this one. Or this one. Or this one.) I know I've blathered about it before, but it really should have been in the sidebar a long time ago.

Well, Super Army War took everything that was good about Rescue Raiders and threw it out the window in favor of weird controls, completely random release of units, no extra guys, and a boring "America vs. some generic bad guy" story. Other than the direction units move in, you cannot tell the difference between units.

That's the beauty of GameFly, though. I played the thing for maybe half an hour, realized I'd already had as much fun as I was ever going to, and it goes back on Monday for something else.

X-Play is doing a series on the PSP vs. GameBoy DS. The first one is about the PSP--I think the idea of waiting until a price drop is a good one, as none of the launch titles look like they're worth $50. Given the slowness of transfer rates on the UMD format, perhaps there will be a PSP2 out soon that includes faster media. Still, that does look like one shiny screen.

Spent last night watching the Winterhawks beat the Seattle Thunderbirds. (Or, if you're the guy writing the checklist for the men's restroom in our section, the Thunderbribs.) A little hockey fix, though it doesn't totally make up for the complete loss of the NHL season. On the other hand, it was spent in good company and we had a lot of fun despite the exorbitant cost of stadium beer.