The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Get your feeding tube on

The medical equipment speaks, courtesy of the fine, fine folks responsible for my fighting and filing fu.

This and Giblet's story about tragitainment are probably the last words on this matter as far as I'm concerned.

A friend of mine is talking about hunting for domains, and I am again reminded that although I own three separate domains, none of them are active at the moment. That's kinda depressing, since at one point I had such plans to host things at home. It would be relatively easy to set up, I just haven't done it yet.

Of course, there are some wiring issues to deal with, but what's another hole drilled in the house, right?

Currently reading The Iron Council, which I'm having more trouble enjoying than the previous two installments. The Scar was great Lovecraftian fun, and the overall mindfuck that is Perdido Street Station is something I can still feel aftershocks from a year after reading it.

Mieville's universe is as horrifying as it is compelling, and some day I really want to sit down and see if one could stat out an RPG for his world, since it seems fairly possible. He throws a ton of backstory out and it might be fun to distill that, as who wouldn't want to explore more of the world of vodyanoi, Jabber, and mad alchemists with hidden sentient robots. Good stuff.