The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

If it weren't for my horse...

I never would have spent that year in college.

I felt a lot like Lewis Black today—nearly wrecked my car twice on the way home, attempting (unsuccessfully) to listen to Fearless Leader give a press conference.

The first near-wreck was caused by an exchange in which Bush was asked if he would support a Social Security bill that did not include private accounts. (You know, the thing he's been wasting our tax dollars on for the last two months, torching that political capital by messing with the third rail of politics...)

So then he comes up with this magic reason that we need private accounts: "I feel that private accounts are important because... because we have a lot of debt."

EXCUSE ME? Who was it that is running that trillion-dollar deficit again? Whose administration is spending $100 million/day in Iraq to find WMD that never existed in the first place? So that was near-accident #1.

Turned the radio off for a while, turned it back on again to see if the press had grown a spine. I get this bit:

"We want to have a nukular-free peninchular."


I'm going to say that again, because it appeared in 30-foot high letters of fire atop the highway in my mind: nukular-free peninchular. The leader of our country, elected by a tiny, tiny fraction of the folks who could be bothered to vote that day, cannot speak the language he's been around all of his silver-spoon life. Nukular-free peninchular.

This was just two random samples of the magic. The DKos folks and Atrios have more, I am sure. But seriously, what was so important that we had to nearly kill me on the way home? Was he announcing Rumsfeld's arrest for Abu Ghraib? His resignation? The fact that nearly 1600 Americans died for a lie? No?

A friend of mine told me once that when they couldn't find a use for somebody at Rutgers anymore, they'd give them an office in an obscure part of the building and tell them to go publish something. Perhaps we should just give this guy a pair of hedge trimmers and have him go clear brush on his "ranch." The one without any horses.

Of course, that would leave Cheney in charge, but would that be any different than it is now?