The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Shoulda picked Giblets

I would have settled for Fafnir, even.

PlanetesFinished the first volume of Planetes the other day. You should really be reading this. I gather there's an animated version, but I haven't seen that for sale in the US yet. Haven't tried Anime Suki to look for it, either.

One of the things I dig about Planetes is the detail of the world. Spacecraft look beat up. Smoking in space is a bad deal. Tiny bits of matter at orbital speeds have dire consequences. Think Cowboy Bebop meets Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy, only this time all the characters are interesting. (I really like Fee, the nicotine-addict pilot, who saves the day because dammit, there are cigarettes on that space station.)

Speaking of trilogies, I'm nearly finished with Quicksilver, the second volume of the Baroque Cycle. Sooner or later we'll get back to the pirates in the first volume, but this is a much better read than the earlier book.

Hey Jenny Slater talks about Ann Coulter on the cover of Time. This is probably a good point to mention the difference between scholarly and popular resources, like we talk about a lot here at the library. Only I think Time is shooting for the shitty resource. The Weekly World News is looking more respectable by the day. I wonder where "columnist who advocates death for all non-believers sits on cover of national magazine" fits in their article on 25 Signs You're Going to Hell?