The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Buying nothing

Spending the weekend watching movies and doing laundry instead of braving the stores on the busiest shopping days of the year. And hey, as Digby says, the news about long lines are nothing more than hype. Last year I did go out and snag a really cheap hard drive for a friend from Office Depot, but not doing much of that this year. I did get some groceries, as nothing fuels watching TV and reading comics like some soda and peanut M&Ms.

TiVo has watched a lot of stuff for us, but we've been going through it pretty fast. One show I've really become hooked on is Da Vinci's Inquest, a police procedural about the Vancouver coroner and cops. Set in the city of Vancouver (instead of standing in for some other place, like when Vancouver became New York for Rumble in the Bronx, for example), the show has some great dialogue and really intruiging stories.

At dinner on Thursday, somebody mentioned they didn't like it because it was "too realistic", whatever that means. It's certainly not as formulaic as CSI or Law and Order, but I think that's a good thing. I never have figured out why people watch any of the CSI shows, not even CarusoBot.