The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Cornballer Recall

Jeffrey Rowland asks the question we're all thinking. I'm not sure why I'm surprised by this. Fox cancelled Futurama, The Tick, Firefly, pretty much every show they've ever had that I've liked. So killing Arrested Development is kinda par for the course for them.

Penny Arcade has a long-overdue revamp of their Web site this weekend. There was something comforting about seeing the old one every day, but the new color scheme and layout is nice.

Novel update: still very very far behind, been totally out of sorts this year and busy with work. I am not out of the running yet, but it's close. I'm not totally thrilled with what I've been writing, but I'm also loathe to be a quitter. I've done this twice before—why is this so hard right now?