The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

You got monkey chatter?

It's hard to believe that it's already three days into November. I've been discombobulated all week long—when I was in the comic shop yesterday, I was confused as to why there were so damn many people buying comics. I thought it was Thursday. Or Tuesday.

Today being Thursday, I've been thinking that it's been Wednesday all day.

Of course, it doesn't help that work is about as calm and relaxed as juggling chainsaws while riding a unicycle and humming "Bohemian Rhapsody."

My shop appears to have expanded their selection of trades, both DC Showcase and Marvel Essentials. Then there's the regular selection of stuff and back issues and... well, it was hard not to walk out of the store with an armload.

So what else is new? Saw Serenity again at Cinetopia. I may never go to another theater again, even though this is a bit of a haul. Two words: butter bar. They have a bunch of melted butter varieties for your popcorn, not to mention tapas in some of the theaters.

Footage from Blizzcon is showing a much-improved StarCraft: Ghost. This game has been in development for... three years now? Four? I remember it being announced, then shown, then it dropped out of sight for a while. The team responsible for it now, Swinging Ape Studios, made the very underrated Metal Arms: Glitch in the System. So I've gone from being very skeptical of the game (such as it was, mostly vaporware) to actually being interested in it again.

Current word count on the as-yet-untitled-novel: 1500 or so, which is WAY behind schedule. Hopefully I can catch up tomorrow or the weekend. Today was pretty productive, at least once I had some moments to myself. My lunch today was a couple of cookies.