The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Doing your part

As the holiday season approaches, wish lists are at the ready.

There's the wishlists of the past. I'm sure you've seen this before—A Sears wishbook from 1979—but it's nostalgia for some in easy-to-download form.

The Guardian has some game-buying suggestions that I wholeheartedly agree with. There are so many games coming out in the next few months that many good ones will fall by the wayside. It might be good to stay away from the X-Box 360 for a bit. Ars Technica reports on the component costs and rash of crashes from early adopters. You'd think this is the kind of thing that QA would have caught...

Also, note to self: consider working for Underwriters Laboratories at some point. They have the best job ever—testing turkey fryers, for example. This is the best footage online since George Goble started lighting charcoal grills with liquid oxygen.

I was in the store the other day, and the in-house music cut to a commercial about buying iTunes gift cards for the holidays. I was a bit confused about this, but it makes sense. The iTunes music store outsold Tower Records and Borders during the last three months. No wonder the music industry is going crazy suing everyone in sight.

It's Thanksgiving here in the US, which means consuming mass quantities of food and football. There's been a lot of really screwed-up driving on the roads this week, so I'll mostly be glad when it's over. I have a lot of sitting around playing video games and reading comics plans, myself.

There may be some maudlin "What I'm thankful for" postings later in the day, once I've had some port or something.