The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Cute overload

I am sorry that it's taken so long for me to get around to updating my blog. There's a phrase I am vaguely remembering called "blogligation," which I think I first saw on Progressive Ruin.

There are new blogs started every few seconds, but I wonder how many of them make it past the first month. Blogging is what you make of it, of course, and some folks are content to post every few weeks. However, I've been slipping from my usual habits. Mostly it's that I am exceedingly busy at the New Job, which leaves mental energy reserves low for anything other than watching episodes of Cash in the Attic.

One thing I've been really into lately is a blog called Cute Overload. It's an idea whose time has come: make people go SQUEEEEEEE with cute animals and products and the like. They're in a bit of mourning over there this weekend, alas. One of the regulars, an incredibly awesome hamster named Baruchito, went to the great pile of newspaper in the sky. He was a clear successor to the much-missed Oolong. (An English explanation of Oolong's greatness.)