The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Live without a net

I've been offline for a few days on vacation.

The new work is going well, and today I finally got a lot of the tools I need to actually do work. So my productivity should go up some more.

A friend of mine has introduced me to Maple Story, which is sort of like if World of WarCraft got together with Legend of Mana and had an 8-bit MMORPG kid. The game is free and I gather it has some annoying players as a result. Say what you will about pay-for-play games, there aren't as many annoying l33t h4x0rs without credit cards.

The business model is also interesting. The game is free to play, but you can spend money on extra clothing, pets, etc. Not sure how much that impacts the game, but it's kinda interesting.

One nice thing I noticed over the weekend is that Creature Comforts already has the first series out on DVD. Might be a good thing to pick up for a long weekend.