The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Little red book

Be careful what you ask for from Interlibrary Loan. A student was visited by the FBI for requesting a copy of Mao Tse-Tung's book. Evidently that's the hot summer beach reading for terrorists, a book from atheist communists of the last century who have nothing in common with modern religious terror movements. Then again, perhaps I should listen to the wisdom of Fafblog. We'd be in anarchy without vigilance in the stacks.

Also, the Bush administration has basically admitted they've been spying on Americans illegally for years. The madness of King George should scare the shit out of everyone, liberal and conservative alike. Evidently there isn't enough time to go through proper channels to get a warrant, but there IS time to go directly to the President to ask for an exemption they just made up. (This is still a nation of laws, last time I checked. It applies to all of us equally. At least that's what I grew up believing.)

Been very busy closing up projects at my old job last week. Starting new work tomorrow, assuming that any place is open after the snow we've had this weekend. (The city does not deal well with frozen precipitation of any sort.)